To Stream Or Not To Stream - Should Artists Go Direct to Consumer?
There needs to be another way where we can sell our music to consumers and get a better return, and one of those things are direct to consumer. Meaning you may sell it on your website, an actual piece of vinyl the actual cd merch, selling it directly to your customer so that this way you can charge what you feel is appropriate. -
How To Make Sure You Get Paid: A Songwriter's, Producer, and Music Publisher's Guide to SongTrust
As a songwriter or musician, it’s important to know that your music is being properly administered and that you are collecting all the royalties you are owed. A large number of songwriters and musicians spend a great amount of time creating and releasing music, but very few take the necessary steps to collect the royalties that their music is generating. Songtrust is one of the leading music publishing administration companies in the world, and they can help make sure you get what you deserve.