Performing Rights Organizations (PRO)
I meet a lot of artists/producers these days, and everyone is putting out music. People are always saying that they’re the next - fill in the blank ______. But when I ask, “Are you handling your business with regard to your publishing?” all I get is silence and blank stares. For those that know us, and our contribution to the culture is this - We’re dedicated to helping artists obtain their dreams. We drop a ton of information on artists/producers, and most times we do it on the strength.
It’s our way of giving back and protecting the business/culture that changed our lives.
Over the next few weeks, we’re going to drop more info online than we have in a while. The reason being is that we are seeing too many artist being led down a wrong path. Time and time again artists are being conned out of their money to invest their money in so call “professionals” or “gurus”.
The truth of the matter is that most folks haven’t accomplished enough in the industry to add value to your journey. So buyer beware.
Back to the music publishing - If you are an artist releasing your music online, its extremely important that you have a basic understanding of this part of the business. With so many artists streaming, income is being generated at a rate we’ve never seen. You want to make sure you’re in a position to collect what you’re due.
Step number 1 - Make sure you are affiliated with a Performing Right Organization or PRO.
A PRO is a company/organization that is responsible for collecting money/revenue for songwriters and music publishers for songs that are performed publicly. Music that is performed publicly, (i.e., radio, restaurants, concerts, streaming, etc) generate a royalty. Once you become affiliated with a PRO, and register your works (songs), it is their job to collect the earned revenue on your behalf.
The main PRO’s in the United States are ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC. PRO’s essentially offer the same services with different fees for registration, and payout schedules.
Registering with a PRO is necessary to ensure that you can get the earnings that are generated for your songs, so make it your business to get registered today.